Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hello World!

My name is Deanna Emery and I am a sophomore at Harvard University majoring in physics and astrophysics. I am currently taking the class Astro 16: Stellar and Planetary Astronomy taught by Prof. John Johnson. This blog will be dedicated to discussing and solving some of the interesting problems worked on in class and any other related topics. I took this class out of interest in the subject and as an introduction to a field of astronomy.

A little bit about myself: I was born and raised in a small town in Vermont, living in the middle-of-nowhere, where stars in the night sky are clear and bright, unaffected by light pollution. When I was little, like many other kids my age, I wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up. While I may not end up becoming an astronaut, I hope to be a researcher in either physics or astrophysics. In addition to my interests in science, I also enjoy singing, and am part of the Radcliffe Choral Society, an all-women's choral group at Harvard.

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